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Medien | Kompetenz | International is advising the interdisciplinary project Media for Peace (M4P) with its academic and practical expertise, particularly on Lebanon and digital media. The project focuses on understanding the way media operates in countries affected by long-standing violent conflicts, in both their national and international dimensions.
It is studying the conditions under which traditional and social media have escalating or de-escalating effects on societies affected by conflicts. By better understanding such dynamics, the aim is to contribute to what is often referred to as conflict-sensitive journalism and to identify successful examples of peacebuilding by media in conflict and post-conflict settings.
The project brings together researchers from journalism studies, media studies and International Relations/Conflict Studies from the University of the Bundeswehr Munich (UniBw M) and the Free University of Berlin. It is funded by a research grant stemming from the German federal budget.
On October 20-22, 2021, international experts on journalism and peace-building, Dr. Judith Pies among them, met for the kick-off Symposium in Munich. They discussed the situation in Lebanon and Afghanistan, the two countries in which the project is conducting empirical research during the coming three years.