Medien | Kompetenz | International
international - medial - kompetent
Dr. Judith Pies is communication researcher and journalist. In
2018 she founded
Medien | Kompetenz | International
Globalization and digitization are the two driving developments of our time. Understanding, living and shaping them is the goal of Medien| Kompetenz| International. And so we
design and realize digital training and teaching materials
conceptionalize and conduct seminars, trainings and lectures on (international) media and
research and advise on international communication.
Medien| Kompetenz | International is managed by Dr. Judith Pies, who also founded M | K | I in 2018. A network of international partners makes the successful implementation of our goals possible.
Constant Cooperation Partners
Prof. Dr. Thilo Büsching Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, HAW Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Dr. Kristina Wied Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft, Universität Bamberg
Dr. Philip O. Madanat Madanat Consultancy, Jordan
Prof. Dr. Susanne Fengler Institut für Journalistik, TU Dortmund
Dr. Hanan Badr Cairo University & FU Berlin
Contract Partners
Deutscher Fachjournalisten Verband (DFJV)
Studium Plus, Universität der Bundeswehr München
HAW Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS)
Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb)
Hector-Kinderakademie, Stuttgart
Media Diversity Institute, London
Arnold-Bergsträsser-Institut, Freiburg
Deutschlandzentrum, Kairo
Mediendienst Integration, Berlin
Förderkreis Synagoge Laufersweiler e.V., Laufersweiler
Erich-Brost-Institut für internationalen Journalismus, Dortmund